

You have probably heard many horror stories from friends or family about painful or traumatic births. You may even have experienced a traumatic birth yourself. However this doesn’t have to be the case.
What is Hypno-birthing?
The Hypnobirthing programme starts by helping you to release your fears of Childbirth and release any negative emotions associated with giving birth.
You then go on to learn different techniques to help you take control of your birth in a calm and relaxed way. This includes techniques for self hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques.
The Hypnobirthing programme consists of 6 weekly one to one sessions. Your birthing partner is invited to come to one of these sessions to learn how they can help and support you during the birth.
Advantages of Hypnobirthing:
Less discomfort during labour, less fear and tension
Shorter labour (up to half the time)
Baby more alert when born – Apgar score is higher (Any drugs have side affects for the baby)
Feel in control of YOUR birthing experience
Less chance of intervention (Forceps etc)
These skills can be used for subsequent births ….these skills are for life!!
It is best to book onto the programme 8 weeks before your due date.
There has been a lot of research into Hypnobirthing. Here are just a few examples…..
“Hypnosis, practical applications and theoretical considerations in normal labour” Dr. Mary Jenkins and Dr. M H Pritchard
Welsh maternity unit – study over 5 yrs, primagravidas and secondary para gravidas given 6 sessions of hypnotherapy (half hour each), midwives were unaware of this, in all cases analgesic requirements were lower aongst those who had hypnotherapy, and the duration of labour was shorter. 90% of the control group needed anesthetic help, 52% of the hypnotised group needed something.
Shawn Gallagher, Retrospective survey, Toronto, Canada
Pre-natal hypnotherapy classes 18% had epidurals and 6.7% had C sections. Those who had no hypnotherapy more than 40% had epidurals and 20% had C sections
The Effects of Hypnosis on the process of labour & Birth Outcomes of Pregnant adolescents, Alice Martin, Paul Schauble The Journal of Family Practice Vol 50 no 5
None of those 22 who were hypnotised needed surgical intervention, 12 of the 20 who were not hypnotised did.